Education and Training

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ISDI Coders Bootcamp

Best Web Development Bootcamp in the world 2021.

Experience at ISDI Coders Bootcamp

At the ISDI Coders bootcamp, I was a dedicated apprentice and a committed learner. I would arrive early and stay until the late hours of the night to make the most of the experience. My focus extended beyond myself, and I deeply cared for my peers, investing valuable time in assisting my fellow students, sometimes putting my own projects on hold. Even though it was challenging being away from my family, my passion for programming drove me to give my utmost effort. My wife was my great support throughout this journey.

Initially, problems overwhelmed me. However, I soon realized that every mental "click" after tackling a problem resulted in new knowledge and extra motivation. The bootcamp was challenging in every sense: long hours, exhaustive reading of documentation, and the need to navigate uncharted waters without predefined study materials.

My love for programming grew exponentially during the bootcamp. I entered with passion and emerged even more enthusiastic. This experience revealed my clear path: I want to fully focus on web development. Undoubtedly, this immersion affirmed my true passion and career direction.

ISDI Coders methodology
  • Testing

    ISDI Coders prioritizes testing to ensure the reliability and functionality of code. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.

  • Best Practices

    The program emphasizes industry best practices, incorporating principles such as SOLID, KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It).

  • Team Collaboration

    Working as part of a team is a cornerstone of the methodology. Collaboration skills and effective communication are fostered to develop cohesive and productive development teams.

  • Documentation

    ISDI Coders stresses the importance of reading and understanding documentation. Clear documentation enables efficient development and maintenance of projects.

  • Code Review and Feedback

    Daily code reviews provide immediate feedback, encouraging continuous improvement and knowledge sharing within the team.

  • Clear Code

    Writing clear, readable, and maintainable code is a priority. Clean code contributes to better teamwork and more efficient debugging.

  • User-Centered Approach

    The user's needs are central to the development process. Implementing accessible designs and prioritizing user feedback lead to user-friendly applications.

  • Debugging

    Debugging skills are honed to identify and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring the smooth functioning of projects.

  • Sustainable Code

    The focus on sustainable code ensures that projects can be maintained and evolved over time, minimizing technical debt.

Desafíos y Logros

Throughout my experience at ISDI Coders, I faced challenges that tested my skills and dedication. From the intensity of the bootcamp to solving complex technical problems, each overcome obstacle helped me grow as a developer. Projects like Pasapalabra, Connect 4, and FIGURAniS, demonstrated my ability to take ideas from conception to implementation.

Utilized Technologies

During my time at ISDI Coders, I utilized various technologies to build robust and scalable projects. Some of the key technologies we employed include the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js), as well as tools and frameworks like, Testing, TypeScript, JavaScript, Sass, BEM, Redux Toolkit, React Router Dom, CI/CD, etc.

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