Connect 4

In this project, you will immerse yourself in the exciting world of the game Connect 4 as you implement the game logic to create an engaging experience.

Web Development
Key Features

This project was developed as part of the ISDI Coders pre-course, and although it was optional, I decided to dedicate a considerable effort to showcase my commitment and skills. The game features vibrant colors and is based on the original Connect 4 game, with the iconic board design.

  • Avatar Selection

    Players can choose their favorite color, either red or blue, as their avatar in the game. This personalized choice adds a special connection to the game's theme.

  • Interactive Board

    The interactive board allows players to place their chips in the corresponding columns. The Connect 4 game logic was implemented to detect wins and ties, offering a faithful experience to the original game.

  • Scoring and Feedback

    The game includes a scoreboard that records each player's points. When a player wins a match, they are allowed to play again, and a point is awarded to the corresponding color. Additionally, feedback is provided about the winner or if the game ends in a tie.

  • Thematic Interface

    The interface was carefully designed to capture the essence of the "Connect 4" game. The vibrant colors and the original board design add authenticity to the experience.

Used Technologies

The Connect 4 project was built using modern web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DOM manipulation was used to create the interactive experience of the board and the chips.

Interface and User Experience

The interface was carefully designed to offer an immersive experience. Visual elements like the chips and board design capture the essence of the Connect 4 game and add authenticity to the gaming experience.


The Connect 4 project is exciting as it combines the fun of the classic game with a modern twist. By offering an interactive and visually appealing experience, this project captures players' imagination and invites them to enjoy a themed and challenging game.

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